Silent Auction 2025 -
A yearly function coincides with the AEG Annual Meeting, where we solicit items for auctioning, set up the online auction, and advertise for it. Donations received from the silent auction are earmarked for the designated fund for that year.
Donate to the online or in person Silent Auction. Send a photo and a description of your item to before August 31.
The virtual auction will be live in September and a link will be posted at that time.
Ways to Give
How Your Donation is Used
Scholarships have historically been our main focus and why we have such a variety of scholarships available. As we've grown as an non-profit organization, other funds and grants are becoming more important and varied.
All other Grants & Funds
Planned Giving
Planned giving refers to the act of making a charitable gift to a chosen party, cause or organization as a way to honor the donor's life. It usually comes in the form of money, assets or property and may or may not be included in the person's will or living trust.
How you direct your financial legacy speaks a lot about to the values you hold dear and the kind of life you've built through the years. Establishing a planned giving strategy with the AEG Foundation allows you to keep making an impact on the profession by supporting students for years to come. If you are interested in learning more, please contact the AEG Foundation.
Gift in will - All it takes is a simple clause in your will. In addition, a tax receipt for the full amount of your
donation will be issued, and may offset capital gains or other taxes payable to lessen the financial cost on
your estate.
Securities - Donating stocks, mutual funds or other types of marketable securities to a charity exempts you
from paying tax on capital gains. You will also get a tax receipt for the full amount of the gift.
Life insurance - You can donate a policy you already own, make the AEG Foundation the beneficiary of a joint
policy, or buy a new policy to donate.
Retirement funds - Naming the AEG Foundation as a beneficiary can be an effective way of creating a tax-
smart estate plan. By doing so you:
- Retain ownership of the funds
- Receive a tax receipt for the full amount donated
- Avoid probate fees
- Reduce your estate taxes
Benefits of Planned Giving:
Planned giving offers significant benefits to both the donor and the recipient.
Tax Relief - Depending on the type of asset, leaving a gift in your will to the AEG Foundation can reduce
estate taxes.
Flexibility - Your gift can be for any specific amount, percentage or residue of your estate and you can adjust
your planned gift at any time.
Note: This information is not intended to provide any tax-related, legal or financial advice. You are encouraged to
seek independent professional guidance from a qualified accountant, attorney or financial advisor to ensure
proper planning and donation administration.